
Penny is an app that helps you optimise your savings across savings accounts by calculating where you should deposit your money for maximum interest.

It's like wealth management, but risk-free and free.

Deposit amount

Balance: £
Rate: %
Limit: £

How do I use it?

Fill out the form above with the amount you'd like to deposit, as well as the names and interest rates of your savings accounts. If your account has a limit up to which a certain interest rate applies, you can enter that limit as well. If another rate is applied after that, just create a new account with the same name, new rate and new limit, if there is one.

What's next for this project?

The plan is to make an app that will take care of all the bank transfers automagically using open banking APIs. Sign up to the waiting list to register your interest and be the first to know when it's ready!

Alternatively, message me on Twitter if you have any questions or suggestions.